Blog Postings in December …

Posting will be a bit sporadic throughout December, blog readers!  I’ll post 1x a week for the next few weeks.  I will update shortly about the Washington Square Park Task Force/Community Board 2 Parks Committee … Read more…

New Posts Return Tomorrow!

Anyone who follows the Washington Square Park Blog regularly would know that I typically ALWAYS update on Mondays.  But not today!  New posts return tomorrow, Tuesday, September 22nd.  Thanks for stopping by.  Cathryn.

Last Call, Bohemia?

Will New York City recognize the importance of “Bohemia” in societies, including its own? In a July ’08 Vanity Fair article titled “Last Call, Bohemia”, Christopher Hitchens observes how London, Paris and San Francisco — renowned for … Read more…

Blog Break

I posted more than usual today (see below) in anticipation of taking the next few weeks off beginning tomorrow, July 15th until Monday, August 10th — barring any breaking news!  Please send in any tips. … Read more…

Blog Posting Update …

No new posts today but I have a few in store for tomorrow, Tuesday 7/14. Then I’m taking a blogging break from Wednesday, July 15th to Monday, August 10th.  (If some really key news occurs, … Read more…