Washington Square, Sunday: Mystery Atop the Arch, Phase III Construction Continues, Obscured from View, More

As I wrote earlier, I’d been in San Francisco. Here are some ‘snapshots’ from yesterday. Most perplexing: what is protruding from the top of the Arch?

A first look
the thing atop the Arch… another view
Wider view…
another view… (there’s a small bird there checking it out)
fenced off construction area

Interesting. The fence cordoning off Phase III construction has been draped with green plastic sheeting to obscure public view. Was this a decision of the contractor? the Parks Department? This was not the case during Phase II or Phase I. It’s not a terrible idea but it makes me wonder. Also there are no official signs indicating what is being done (as is traditionally the case).

southern end encased fencing
inside the construction zone
A last look at park buildings before demolition

A pigeon tried to land on this light and diverted his course and that’s when I noticed..

shattered light, fountain plaza

Rain, the Fountain Plaza

(This post was amended from an earlier version.)

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